Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Fun

Trying to wrap up a fun Christmas with photos is almost nearly impossible since so many fun things are done and too many pictures are taken, but I tried to document up some fun moments that I'll always remember. Every year I always try a new sugar cookie recipe since I never seem to have any luck, but this year I found a really good recipe that worked out pretty well. So well that we ended up making two batches on separate days. Of course, no one else in the family besides Camryn and I wanted to make cookies so guess who had to eat them all up! Yup, we ate them all too! Someone in our stake was dressing up as Santa for anyone to come by and take pictures. So I was totally into not standing in line at the mall or paying mall prices for a pic with Santa. It was a hilarious night since we had no idea whose house we were going to and were just hoping Santa would be there. It was raining and the house that we went to had nothing but mud in the driveway and leave it to Camryn to jump in the mud puddles and get water and yuck all over my car. Santa was so cute and loved holding all of the little kids. Of course, Jaxon freaked out and wouldn't go near him unless I was holding him. Madison was finally able to dance at her Christmas dance recital which was originally canceled due to the snow. It turned out really cute and she did a pretty good job. She had to dance in 11 dance numbers! On Christmas Eve we always go out to a different restaurant with my in laws to eat and then look at Christmas lights with finally exchanging gifts and opening jammies. I'm a loser and took no pictures of my kids in their pj's and even forget to label Jaxon's present to open. Christmas day was a blast with opening gifts and just enjoying the day. Jaxon got a new bike and since he's up by 5 every morning when we walked downstairs he kept saying "ride, ride." The house was a mess and stayed a mess until the next day. We all just had fun putting things together, eating, sleeping, and watching movies. Since it was raining on Christmas day we had to wait until the next day for Camryn to ride her new scooter and Jaxon to ride his new bike. Camryn loves her scooter, yet notice Jaxon's bike not being touched. For some reason he wouldn't go near it outside and only wanted to ride Camryn's old scooter.


Those People With The Crazy Kids said...

I'm with ya on the Christmas photo thing - way too many to choose from!

I have a great sugar cookie recipe I'll email ya to try out next time. It's called No Fail Sugar Cookies and, as the name suggests, ya just can't screw them up (my kind of recipe for sure!) They're pretty darn tasty too.

PS - LOVE the pic at the top of the page...very nice :)

Heidi said...

We have that bike for Mason and he still rides it (without training wheels though) and refuses to ride the next size up bike!!
Looks like Santa was good to your house! How fun!!!

Sanders said...

That is one realistic looking Santa! It seems like you guys had a great Christmas! You even got a picture of Anna! Tell her that I miss her!

Kimberly Davis said...

Love your new blog - the picture looks great! Sounds like you guys had a great Christmas, the pictures are darling, and I'll eat Sugar Cookies with you any day of the week!
I can't belive the picture of your Mom - she looks exactly the same, I hope I can age that gracefully!

Melissa D. said...

I wish I would've known about the stake Santa thing. I didn't take my kids to see him because I didn't want to stand in any lines either. Looks like you guys had a fun Christmas. I can't believe it's already over!

laurie Carlson said...

Christmas morning looks too fun! Love the picture of Mom!