Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Fun

Halloween was a fun and exciting evening. I didn't work Friday and had all of these fun things planned to do with the kiddos, but I wasn't feeling too great all day. Nothing that a nap and some Advil didn't fix. Hurray for Nevada Day!

I've tried to put Jaxon's Spiderman costume on three separate occasions, but he wouldn't go for it. Luckily, he relented on Halloween and didn't have a melt down until he realized the costume wasn't coming off but then he was fine.

We were invited to a fun Halloween party where they had a haunted house and a bounce house set up for the little ones. Jaxon freaked when he saw the scary people and stayed glued to his dad. After some munchies we then went trick or treating which is always humorous since one of my kids always seems to trip and fall. This year it was Jaxon and Camryn who biffed it twice and sent their candy flying.

Jaxon LOVED going to the houses and even got over his nervousness of the scary costumes and just followed the large group of kids and waited his turn for candy. Camryn was Camryn. She informed everyone that she was a "Happy Bee" and not a bumble bee. Who knows why.

Later we went back to our neighborhood and went to a few houses scrounging for candy...I mean trick or treating. The kids had a great time, yet I'm always glad when the holiday is over and back to normalcy for a bit.


Melissa D. said...

Cute pics. Maddie looks so grown up now. I know what you mean about scrounging for candy. Our neighborhood seemed to be running out of candy at 7 o'clock and there weren't a ton of people out either.

Sanders said...

Hey Kris, I made it to your blog! So cute, I think I spent a little to much time here! I'm happy to be back in contact with you, where does the time go? Anyway you got me wanting to: try a retro-cupcake, go to the juice place on Thursday, & go to Disneyland! Also, is your hubby all better?

You are now one of my Beautiful Bloggers!:0)

Sanders said...

Oh P.S. Please do post some dating pics!

tiffunny said...

love all their costumes.

Those People With The Crazy Kids said...

Cute! Maddie looks so pretty and grown up. Jaxon is too funny! That's how Carson was last year with his costume. He screamed from the time it got put on until we were done trick or treating, which ended up being like 5 houses later cause we couldn't take it anymore! Poor Ethan really got screwed out of the whole candy deal because of it, but he made up for that this year - I think some of Carson's candy ended up in Ethan's bucket when he wasn't looking!