Friday, March 14, 2008

My boy Donald....I mean Jaxon

Anybody with a one year old will tell you that getting a picture of them is nearly impossible. I get what I can to document my funny boy. We've been calling him "Donald" because he walks like Donald Duck with his butt and tummy sticking out. On top of the Donald walk he marches. It's hilarious! His vocabulary consists of: momma, dada, baba, and sissy. His latest is telling me a story with all of his mumble jumble talk as if he is really telling me something. He loves going to the park and riding in his red buggy. His favorite foods are waffles, PB & J, fries, nuggets, and ice cream. Real healthy, right!


Melissa D. said...

Those are cute pictures! I'll have to pay attention to his "Donald" walk tomorrow at church.

Heidi said...

The walk sounds hilarious!! I think I can picture it and I am dying laughing!! He is so dang cute!! Yeah I have got the nursery countdown going too but that is so that I can be released from there and start leaving her in there!! =)

tiffunny said...

It's a shame that 1 year olds aren't more cooperating for pictures - cause they are such a cute stage. Mine is the same way - always on the go. Most of the pictures I take of her are terrible cause she's either walking towards me or away from me. Anyways, i love how you talked about what he loves right now. What a great way to remember it all!