Friday, January 30, 2009


Ok, so if I'm not having camera issues it's gotta be something else, right? Yup, now my computer won't read my memory card which means I can't download any photos from playing in the snow, Jaxon's bday, Disneyland (again), and fun stuff. So just to stay in the blogging world I thought I would complete this fun tag that my bffl sent me to do. Yea, don't pass out Carol...I'm finally doing it!!!

Things I Can Do
1) Spend $1000 in a blink of an eye
2) Teach a child how to read
3) Text my friends
4) Plan a trip out of the country in less than a week
5) Reproduce...yep, glad that's done!
6) Shoot an AR15 semi-automatic assault rifle
7) Show love to my kids

7 Things I Can't Do
1) Speak Spanish
2) Skydive or anything that has to do with free falling
3) put my hands in dirty soapy kitchen water
4) balance a checkbook
5) Steal or lie from a friend
6) Part with my perfume collection of 50+ bottles
7) Go to a cemetary at night

7 Things That Attracted Me To My Husband
1) His ringlets!
2) I knew he would always provide a home for me
3) His hairless chest (I know...tmi)
4) His stereo bass thumping from his truck 10 blocks away.
5) I knew we would create gorgeous kids
6) He worshiped the ground I walked on....and still does....haha
7) He always wore good smelling cologne.Mmmmm remember Polo, Drakar, and Ceasar's Man?

7 Things I Always Say
1) Daddy!!
2) Puddin'
3) No Way!
4) My new fav...."I will cut you!"
6) I was born at night, but not last night
7) Yea, think again

7 Things I Love To Eat
1) chips and guac
2) good juicy steak
3) McDonald's french fries
4) string cheese
5) white cake with any frosting
6) french toast with maple syrup
7) white custard ice cream with marshmellow topping

7 People I Tag(And ya don't get 7 months to do it in!) :0)
1) Brandi 2)LaDawn 3)Kim 4)Heidi K. 5)Cathy 6)Stephanie 7)Melissa


Kimberly Davis said...

I'm so with you on the cemetary at night thing...I am WIMPY when it comes to stuff like way, unless there was an extreme amount of money involved!

I totally laugh at you shooting an AR15, my first date with my husband he taught me how to shoot a 7mm....if I only knew then what I know now.....

Heidi said...

Okay I was totally thinking you were leaving the blogging world for Facebook!! =)
Cute post! I will have to get on it!
I love that you shoot Ar-15's too! I think those are fun to shoot also. I prefer them over the handguns!!
And yes, you do produce GORGEOUS kiddos!!!

Melissa D. said...

It is nice to see you're blogging again. No one on my list has been updating theirs (including me) except Heidi. Eric just ordered an AR-15 so if he needs any help shooting it, I'll have him call you.

Sanders said...

I almost did faint dead away! So you are now quoting Don Qui Qui? LOL

Those People With The Crazy Kids said...

#1 LOL! C'Mon!!! You're a woman. You know you can do WAY more damage than that!!! If not, I need to take you shopping :)

I just saw this. I had no idea you had even tagged me cause I've been really slackin' on the blogging front! I promise I'll get around to doing it........sometime :0)