Monday, June 14, 2010

Maddie is a Tween!

Maddie turned 12 in March. Yep, I have a tweenie. Love her...hate the moods, but most of the time Madison is a pretty happy girl. She helps me by entertaining her siblings and always has such a sweet spirit about her. Maddie is very caring and is not afraid to show her emotions. She was extremely excited to go to Young Womens. Love you girl!

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For her birthday Maddie received her own bedroom with a new bedroom set. I also broke down and let her have a birthday party at Crystal Palace. She had about 20 kids show up, ate pizza, roller skated, had some cake, and pretty much had a great birthday.


Heidi said...

Ahhh sweet Maddie! I can't believe she is in YW now!! How time has flown!!