Thursday, March 13, 2008

My i love thee

Anyone who knows how rambunctious and imaginative Camryn is will enjoy the following pictures. I was self cleaning out the stove which produced a lot of smoke. Camryn thought the house was burning down and prepared herself with the broom and her goggles. Love that child.


Heidi said...

Camryn..she is a crack up!!! That is too funny that she grabbed goggles and a broom! Was she planning on flying out of there? =) How was your vacation?? We miss you guys!

tiffunny said...


You probably don't remember me at all, but my sister Heidi told me about you joining the blogging world. I used to be in your ward back in North las Vegas. I was always in the Primary - clear back when little Tanner (is he really 14???) got baptized and stuff. I had a Madyson too that was the same age as yours. You didn't have the 2 little ones yet. Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but they look like little Tanner & Madison's all over again!!!

Tiffany Skelton

Melissa D. said...

I just found your blog from Stephanie Johnson's. I just got into the whole blogging thing too. Love all the pictures!

Kris said...

Tiffany, WOW! You have a good memory! I had no idea you were related to Heidi. Are you still in that same ward? Can I visit your blog? Thanks for the message!

Kris said...

Melissa, I saw your post on Steph's also, but it's not accessible. I would love to see pics of your kiddos. Especially lil Reese.

steph j. said...

sooo funny! I cannot believe how big she is getting.

tiffunny said...

My email is Email me what your email address is and I'll send you an invite.

I'm not sure if it's me or Heidi who has the better memory. When she told me about your blog today, I was thinking in my mind, "How the heck did Heidi know we used to be in the same ward?" We must have connected the dots somehow years ago, but I really can't remember how. And then she remembered it clear even now to tell me about you. Crazy. Anyways, it will be fun to kind of stay in touch now. I never felt like I totally got to know you super well - I knew your kids and I know Paul's brother's family and stuff and I know I went over to your house a few times - I just can't remember why? It's been too long. And no we don't still live out there. We moved in 2004 and we live in the southwest now.